The story behind Westwoodforest Smart Tour
First of all I would like to introduce myself,
my name is Peter Saar and I have been part of
the smart community since 2004,
and this is where the origin of the tour begins.
At that time there was a PKT (plum cake tour)
one of the first smart tours I took part in.
This was organized by Hans-Peter Schmuck (died 2017)
and was very popular. When this smart tour was last done in 2014,
it left a big gap in the calendar at the end of September,
which is why I decided to start a new tour in 2016.
This is not a copy of the PKT, it should or may not,
PKT was unique.
I then set up my own tour, and in 2017 it was time to
start the first WST through the Westerwald.
Now, as the Saar family, with the support
of good helpers, we are already organizing the 4th WST this year.
And we hope that it can go on like this for a while and above
all like it.
You can find more information about the event
and a registration form in our facebook group.
Text: Peter Saar / Silvana